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The Human Dunk
Whether or not this was intentional, this dude is going to have to pretend like it was or face being a laughing stock. Either way it's an impressive move. Dude just went and dunked himself like a Hob-Nob!
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Because changing lanes normally is just so goddamn dull. Sometimes you have to mix it up a little, lay some rubber and pray you don't end up in a ditch, on fire. Someone get this man a cookie, stat.
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Your forefathers died face down in the mud defending your right to vote ! Pay some respect and vote !
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Probably the most awesome piece of fanmail ever penned. I'm not sure if this is written in pidgin engrish or if the guy writing it just has a case of terminal derpitis. Either way it's freaking hilarious.
Comments: 54
If this guy was to have a soundtrack to his life, I think dubstep is a damn good call. Despite the fact that he's just staggering around, blind drunk, he's somehow keeping in time with the music and throwing some powerful shapes.
Comments: 1
Nik Lewis, wide receiver with the Calgary Stampede, leaps over his oncoming defender. Those Canadians. There's nothing they won't do to gain our approval.
Comments: 2
That last move makes it look like she doesn't have bones in her body.. OUCH
Comments: 16
This dude has the patience and hand-eye coordination of a god and the world record for traversing two ball bearings through a wooden maze. Unfortunately, neither of these carry and monetary value. Still cool though.
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Cool story bro. Seriously, Cool story. There isn't a single person out there who wouldn't love to make their living robbing banks like this guy, especially after they went and caused the global economic crisis. The bastards.
Comments: 2
This is an epically spectacular accident that happened at the "Jolly Rally" at Valle D'Aosta in Italy which shows a close shave for the spectators watching the race. As dramatic as it looks luckily no one injured.
Comments: 4
The boys at DICE will be dropping the Battlefield DLC on December 11th & in order to whet your appetite they've produced a trailer showing off just how awesome all of the new maps and weapons are.
Comments: 3