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Really, it is, or as close as you are going to get to it while you LARP around in the high-school gym. Wow. Who knew these weird battle reenactments were so dammed violent? KILL HIM!
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This guy freaks out over being recorded at work, yelling "Don't record me!" Seriously? It can't be that big a secret that you work there. Maybe it's because he doesn't wanna be seen on TV without any achievement stars?
Comments: 4
When your bro hooks up with your lady, it can be utterly devastating, the only way to overcome all the pain & suffering that's washing over you is to let your bro tell you everything. Right from the very beginning.
Comments: 2
So Google Glass went into limited beta release, with select customers allowed to use the technology for 24 hours. Derrick Hannan used his to film the St Paddy’s Day weekend, recording people’s drunken debauchery.
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Whether or not he was vegetarian before he picked up the rifle isn't really important. While he's relying on his hunting prowess for his meat eating needs, he's a vegetarian. Because he sucks and shooting.
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By now you’ve probably seen Google’s latest bid for total global domination – Google Glass, it records everything you do and think so that Google can spam you with relevent ads and sell you out to the police.
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Futurama was right, celebrities of the future will be preserved as disembodied heads in jars, and one of those celebs will be the undead, taut-faced form of Joan Rivers, her looks kept youthful by hourly injections of stem cells.
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Comedy Central’s social adventurer Forrest MacNeil delves into the darker side of humanity, so he can experience it and then review it—even if it means destroying his life.
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Dora the Explorer has upped her game and is no longer the cute backpack-wearing character your child grew to love. Now she’s turned into a hard ass ninja who likes nothing more than kicking the crap out of bad guys.
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Mac fanboys or "Macfags" are possibly the most annoying breed of computer nerd. With aspirations of being cool and a condescending air, they will lecture you about how much better their personal computer is than a PC.
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Taking the form of an educational video for non-human space travellers, the video reveals the intimidating nature of the human race—we’re quite a scary bunch, especially before breakfast.
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