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Swag Fail
It doesn't matter how ripped you are, how many tats you have or what ridiculous pose you're striking, if your girfriend is a "ten pinter" your swag level is zero.
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You might have thought you'd seen the ultimate in duckface. You haven't until you've seen this picture. This duckface is packed with the duckyness of over 10 ducklings.
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Now all they need to do to make this totally awesome is kidnap a woman, dress her as a slave and chain her to it.
Comments: 4
Why they got to be hatin? If you find this van parked in your neighborhood, it might be a good time to find a new place to live - for your children's sake!
Comments: 0
Oh man, this is one of those stories that really tugs at the wrist, you know? You really feel sorry for this poor guy, even though he's purple and his friends are coloured green and a sort of pale pink. Oh cruel earth!
Comments: 0
Does that describe it well enough?
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If you want to see a lack of self-respect, look no further. And if you want to see the full horror in the living flesh and blood, walking around like a fat sack of low self-esteem then just head to your nearest Walmart.
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Well, this must've been incredibly embarrassing, but why is he dating a girl with the same name as his mom? The Oedipal complex is strong in this one. Maybe mom's right, maybe he should cut down on the drinking.
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Looks like 2006 was a good year if you liked a certain type of activity. What the heck happened back there to make this graph spike like it did? Perhaps it's best if we didn't know.
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Ah, this explains everything! Don't worry Mark, I'm sure special guest starring in cartoons and at Sci-Fi conventions will make just as much money!
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It's time for cute chick cheeky compromising carnal compilations ! Sometimes pr0n is waay funnier when you keep your clothes on :)
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