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Surreal Webcam Dance
Just when you thought you'd seen everything this turns up. Two girls wear their pants on the outside and try to be alluring while an obese infant in a diaper rocks rhythmically while struggling for breath. WTF!?
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Whoever thought that cooking wasn't dangerous needs to watch this insanity. This dude takes Iron Chef way too seriously. Dangerously serious.
Comments: 4
If you've seen the original it's pretty cringey and more than a little awkward. This spoof drops the awkwardness and explores what would have happened if he'd just gone with it and said the word. This is exactly what would have happened. FACT.
Comments: 0
I think it's official. Bike officers must be the ones who aren't smart enough to graduate the police academy but are willing to get on a bike wearing those stupid shorts.
Comments: 178
Mister Weebl obviously has far too much time on his hands. He's only gone and crafted an audio-visual treat for your senses as a way to pay homage to the earthly delights embodied in teeny tiny onions. Bloody weirdo.
Comments: 3
If you thought skydiving was scary enough as it is then this is nightmare fuel. Not only does this lady not want to dive in the first place but when she does it doesn't exactly go by the book. Still, at least her bra stayed on!
Comments: 105
Another piece of WTFery from a incomprehensible depths of the You Tubes. If this makes any kind of sense to you then you should probably seek professional help. For the record this is my new favourite lip synch vid.
Comments: 1
This is what happens when you ask a little girl about monsters.. LOL
Comments: 1
If you thought the hand fart was just for causing ripples of laughter in a crowd, you'd be wrong. This guy makes it musical with a rendition of Simon & Garfunkel's Sound Of Silence. Kinda ironic choice of song.
Comments: 6
When you've got a dude sandwich on a weak motorcycle, the crash is actually the least embarrassing part of the video.
Comments: 22
If you thought wakeboarding was just for open water, you'd be wrong. These crazy dudes are doing it in rivers with sheer rock banks. Probably not advisable unless you're a wakeboard ninja or don't mind losing skin.
Comments: 60