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Suicidal Chinese Bride
For some people getting married is more frightening than death, for others, being left at the altar leaves only one option open. Death. Good luck for this poor jilted bride there was a hero on the scene!
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Back then it had a silent 'y' and was actually pronounced yogging. And you could only go if you took two hot chicks in skimpy clothes with you. That was just how it was back then, go ask Ron Burgundy if you don't believe it.
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Sometimes having a meme as your hero can have some distinct advantages, food for example! Those dumb humans seem to get a laugh feeding me a cheeseburger and saying "Can i has cheezeburger" whilst i get to NOM!
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Thats the trouble with being a cat, it's a solitary life when you are out in the wild, stalking potential snacks and making sure the neighbourhood dog is terrified of you. You start to get slightly paranoid.
Comments: 6
Now here's something i wouldn't mind doing if i could only convince my friends to participate in it. Naming your poop after movie titles seems a definite step up from telling people what you've just eaten!
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It's a frightening fact but if you are the father of a 9yr old daughter then the chances are you WILL have to take them & her friends to a Justin Bieber concert, it's only a matter of time :(
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You probably thought that "got ya nose" was funny. He didn't think so. He didn't think so at all and he wants that sh#t back, pronto. Be afraid.
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My beautiful eyes!! Don't stare at it too long or you'll get sucked into the vortex of madness and never return. Having said that, can you complete the maze in under 30 seconds?
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If it wasn't already dead, it definitely is now. reporting that one celebrity has unfollowed another celebrity as if it is something that should matter to anybody is the sound of journalistic failure.
Comments: 1
Well, that shoots THAT idea out of the sky..
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Now how fast could that kid have possibly been going.. -LOL
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