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Stunning Footage of Starlings in Flight
The inhabitants of Utrecht, the Netherlands were treated to a beautiful performance by a huge flocks of starlings dancing in the evening sky. Watch as the birds swoop across the sky in mesmerizing patterns and formations.
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Can you move like spiderman? Unlike his previous forray into the world of dance, this one won't make you gay but it may amuse you. It amused me. Not sure whether that was down to his strange moves or the awesome music though...
Comments: 237
Watching a couple of guys testing the durability of a condom might not sound like fun, but you'd be surprised. If you haven't seen this sort of thing before you'll probably enjoy it. I know I did.
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Formula One cars are so advanced that you can even get a tune out of the engine. I have no idea how they do this but to be honest I don't think it'll become a popular musical instrument anytime soon.
Comments: 0
Bam tells Tony Hawk all about the time that his crazy naturist stalker broke into his house and climbed into bed with him. I know sounds pretty cool right? Well, unfortunately it's only cool if you're into the yeti look...
Comments: 1
Filmmaker Devin Graham used a Zorb to reenact a real life version of the famous opening boulder chase scene from Steven Spielberg's classic film Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark. And it's epic.
Comments: 193
One Christmas pop hit is all you’ll ever need to make yourself financially secure for the rest of your days. But how to go about it? Don’t panic, because musician Brett Domino is on hand to reveal the industry secrets.
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BirGirPall brings his distinct brand of digital insanity to the GTA Horse Mod in order to tell the touching tale of Poonikins the Magical Warrior Princess. Sit back, get comfy and enjoy a tale as old as time...
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These people have at least 3 pairs of raving shoes on, and they certainly don’t need alcohol to have a good time. But they do need more class A’s than you can possibly imagine. (the fun starts @ 2:10)
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Gun safety was just as important in the old days as it is today, as this lady's failed firing attempt demonstrates.
Comments: 4
If you're going to throw yourself off a building, you might as well do it somewhere with good weather. These guys chose Kuala Lumpur. They also chose Red Bull as a sponsor, so no surprises there...
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