Stuff On Cats.......WTF!?!
What is it about cats that makes them so damn mellow? These cats just lay there as people place tons of inappropriate stuff on them. Are they stoned on catnip or something?
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Not sure whether these would sell too well or even if they'd past safety regulations, but they're pretty damn cool. Created to the precise blueprints of tiny hands and simple minds, each one is unique.
Comments: 23
Now this is NOT what we have come to expect from those delicate creatures of the human species. This just goes to prove that women can be just as godawful as men when it comes to acting like delightful douchebags.
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In a busy world such as ours it's no wonder that FAIL stares us in the face all the time, yet we fail to see it unless someone points it out to us. Once we have seen the wonder of subliminal FAIL it can never be unseen.
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Forget FaceAche & pictures of girls at the mall, or playing with dumb toy dogs, MySpace is where it's always been at for hawt chick photo action
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A lot of people go under the knife of a cosmetic surgeon but few of them will change their appearance as radically as this young woman. Now complete with huge lips, pointy ears and a split tongue she has changed. A LOT.
Comments: 21
If you didn't fancy sleeping tonight or for the rest of the week, then why not have a browse of these completely insane face swaps.
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It's not always a sure thing that when you point a camera in someone's direction that they will oblige with a pose and a smile. But when it comes to cuties the chances of success go through the roof, smile or not!
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Artist Josh Cooley has taken your favorite R-rated movie scenes, like the chest-bursting one from Alien or the decapitated horse's head one from Godfather and given them a kid-friendly (ish) makeover.
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Sometimes it can be hard on these cold, dark winter days to try and remember what sunshine, sea and seriously cute girls in bikinis ever felt or looked like - Here is some inviting imagery to raise the temperature!
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Time to get creative with some home-made 'tear-off-my-number' formats. Smarter than your average ad, these designs are entertaining, eye catching and you keep them as a souvenir.
Comments: 24