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Spring Cleaning WTF-Ness?
Some things are best left where they are - This dude is doing a little spring cleaning and is surprised at what falls out of his rug after a long winter.
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Women and men approach dating in very different ways. What women think is nice and romantic men think is a total waste of time, and this video explains that perfectly
Comments: 2
Super chick FAIL!- This is what you think is funny if you go to a catholic high school.. - LOL
Comments: 123
This song goes out to all the guys who've loved and lost... their dignity, trying to get the hot chick.
Comments: 1
Some of the Olympic events are totally rivetting and will have you on the edge of your seat. Others are complete balls that you won't be able to sit through without medication. Sailing is the latter. Luckily though, Irish commentary!
Comments: 1
The second of BirGirPall's commemorative video, this being the one that features the voice talent of the man himself and his friends as they teamkill, troll and confuse other players in Battlefield 3.
Comments: 0
Fast food is pretty damn fast but could it be faster? Damn skippy. This guy is pushing it to it's absolute limits and receiving the fastest drive through service that anyone has ever experience. Glorious.
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This dude had no chance at clearing the fence but tossed in a front flip to at least pick up some points for style.
Comments: 130
Science is cool, ok, so it might be a complete biatch to learn what you need to learn to make it through college, but never lose sight of the fact that….it really is COOL!
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These guys are testing out an engine they have just spent over 120 hours building & turbo charging and it runs completely out of test track just 2 hours before the owner is expected to pick it up. Oops!
Comments: 6
What exactly was the marketing genius behind associating sprite with semen?
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