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SlowMo Butt Kick
Glorious. I can't believe nobody has thought of filming a hot chick having her ass kicked in slow motion before. I could quite happily watch this all day on a loop. Quick, someone make a 50 hour version!
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If you thought you were pretty good with LEGOs as a kid, you probably haven't seen this dude's creations. Not content with building something awesome, this guy builds something awesome but AS A POP-UP BOOK. Epic.
Comments: 31
Straight from Argentina, this hot bendy chick makes me think of only one word, 'FAP'...or is it "OUCH!"
Comments: 2
Running, jumping and biking on 8,000 litres of non-newtonian fluid in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Science is not about what you know, it is about the wonder of knowing. Or something.
Comments: 3
Rap was a newer musical art form back in the 80s and people didn't know what it was. Thank goodness these kids came around to explain it. Now you can hit the streets and get your cred!
Comments: 1
A little boy is too excited, visiting an Internet cafe. :-)
Comments: 2
It's speed dating...Star Wars Style! Take a trip to the Mos Eisley Cantina and drop in with some of your favorite characters. Who would you take home? Darth Vader? Luke Skywalker? Emperor Palpatine? Even Jar Jar Binks...sort of.
Comments: 3
An awesome prank pulled on unsuspecting shoppers in a public mall. The cheesy music and laugh track kinda ruin the funny a little bit but it's still pretty damn hilarious when they realise they've been pranked.
Comments: 4
Ok, this one is a bit different, the game seems weird and unusual, but the prank itself is universal in its ability to scare the utter crap outta this unsuspecting chick. WTF!?!
Comments: 1
Alex Ferguson might have a reputation that precedes him, but he is still the big man at the top !
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That is what you call a cruel gag - defo not an Xbox but one disappointed kid!!
Comments: 6