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Sky Lantern Awesomeness
Forget relaesing just one single glowing lantern into the sky, what you really need are thousands & thousands all released together, it's as close to legal pyrotechnic pleasure as you can get.
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Hawt pop singer gets her boobs cast in fame - I wish I was the woman doing the plaster casting, she gets to put her hands all over those beauties...
Comments: 5
Deep in the woods live poor old Tucker & Dale, all they want to do is help people, but everytime they offer a helping hand someone gets killed. Rednecks get a pretty rough deal in the movies these days.
Comments: 7
The Epic Meal Time dudes are venturing out of the kitchen to pastures new in search of mega-calorie nomage. They are taking over an Indian restaurant to cook up an epic samosa!
Comments: 3
A pilot comes in a bit hard for a landing this weekend and overshoots the runway crashing into the beach. Fortunately, both men on board were not seriously injured.
Comments: 5
If my little brother sounded that annoying I would of done the same thing. Bet mum wasn't too happy with him after this though.
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Going on a cruise might be considered the height of luxury, but so was sailing on the Titanic - Sit back & enjoy CCTV footage from the Pacific Sun Cruise liner encountering seriously heavy seas. Rather them than me :(
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No wonder she gets a round of applause at the end, as she performs an elaborate balancing act in an attempt to fight off the inevitable & stop herself from taking a tumble. Sometimes it's best to just let gravity do its thing.
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Two fully grown consenting adults on a dinner date. Should they continue the evening behind closed doors? Not according to the purity bear. Not unless you want depression, failure and all kinds of STDs.
Comments: 7
Have you pulled a muscle in your back? Maybe you sprained a finger opening a tin of baked beans? Well whatever you’ve done, you deserve some money, after all, it’s not like you asked for that tin opener to be so difficult, did you?
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It might seem weird to western eyes, but this sort of thing is perfectly normal in japan. I went there on holiday once, and if I had 1 yen for everytime i was turned into a dairy cow and milked by midgets...
Comments: 7