The Simpsons has been on our TV sets since the mid 1800s so it's quite a surprise that nobody has thought of doing a gallery like this until now. There's probably loads of similar ones you could do as well...
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It was called Haboob and it descended on the desert city of Phoenix, Arizonia like a plague from the heavens, dropping visibilities to near zero and coating surfaces with a gritty later of dust and sand. Hell is coming people.
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Ah, for those wonderful days of college life, where you devoted all of your time to study and the pursuit of knowledge to further your young mind. There was very little time for anything else really. Or was that in another reality?
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There's nothing hawter than an overly competitive cute chick who could kick your head in with here abs alone.... oh no wait a minute-thats a total bloody nightmare. Prepare to be threatened!
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Some People Just Want To Watch The World Burn - If you have a friend with OCD and want to troll them real good, you could do worse than to copy some of these pranks.
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I'm throwing a party and all these girls are invited! Come one, come all and bring your friends, as long as they have big butts and their idea of dressing up is to go out in a thong or micro-bikini. Res ipsa loquitur. Let the good times roll.
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Some cars in films are so iconic that they almost have their own role. So artist Jesús Prudencio did the decent thing and made a bunch of movie posters with those iconic vehicles as the lead image.
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So you wanna get an iPhone and be cool, hell, why not! Just as long as you read the 'Small Penis'....DAMMIT, 'Small Print' when you txt - Just be prepared to suffer the perils of Apple's auto-correct technology.
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It's not always a sure thing that when you point a camera in someone's direction that they will oblige with a pose and a smile. But when it comes to cuties the chances of success go through the roof, smile or not!
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If you think about it cute chicks are like the MSG for hawt entertainment, add a little and you have something that is waay more addictive than before - Have a look at what's on the menu tonight.
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At first I thought this was a bunch of guys cosplaying as Call Of Duty. Turns out that these are real warzones. You can tell from how much freedom the locals are enjoying, in between being shot at and being bombed. Dark stuff.
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