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Shooting A Machete Slingshot
"I just need forty-five seconds to make it to the end of this slingshot with my machete, and then once I make it back to the other end with the trigger, it's on!". Some people get far too over excited :)
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After pretending to rob someone in broad daylight at an ATM (the “victim” is in on the prank too), many times over, inevitably a hero steps in and dishes out some justice with his fists.
Comments: 0
A woman demonstrates an extremely creepy toilet in Japan. The Japanese demonstrate their efficiency once again with a toilet that scares the crap out of you and sends you running out of the bathroom, screaming.
Comments: 384
Are you sick of those gay, lame perfume commercials, that are supposed to drive women wild? It was only a matter of time before someone made a parody and here it is. Perfect
Comments: 0
The art of ping pong amounts to: Be fast, be furious and when called for, you may find yourself returning a shot from a neighbouring court. Follow those simple rules, and who knows, you could master Wii Sports in no time.
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The guys at JstuStudios do a brilliant prank and take to the streets to pretend to pull ridiculous items from unsuspecting members of the public's hair, like pineapple's, baguettes, watermelons and more.
Comments: 1,946
There’s… there’s something in my eye, no those aren’t tears, it’s just a bit of dirt or something. Honest. Unless your heart was ripped out and replaced with the cold, then you might find yourself getting a little emotional over this.
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Some chicks you should never look in the eye - A quick glance at their beauty & you're history - WTF!?!
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He might have lame skillz spinning the tray on his finger like a basketball, but his dunk-shot is amazing! Unlike the customers waiting for their food out front, you just got served!
Comments: 17
It's pretty damn hilarious to watch these three grubby old ladies watching a celebrity getting pounded 'Greek style' but it does kinda make you worry that your own grandparents might be just as filthy as these...
Comments: 3
It's a tragedy when they get pwned at such a young age. He had his whole life ahead of him.
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