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Scare Prank
There are literally thousands of these videos littering the internet but they never cease to be amusing. Especially when the kids are still freaked out a couple of minutes after their actual scare.
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No need to take any drugs, just watch this sequence of people out of their heads on chemicals in the movies. If you’re looking for an anti-drugs message you won’t find it here, they make drugs look awesome.
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Hamsters are super cute with they way they fill their cheeks pouches with food. The BBC reveals all using an X-ray to show how golden hamsters store incredible amounts of food in their cheeks.
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In this funny, yet disturbing, video a 25-year-old actress pretends to be 15, and desperate for some cash to get back home - Some creepy guys start to warm to the idea of making her do sexual favors for the money.
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Proof that it's always harder than it apears on TV. And yet when Katy Perry emits fireworks from her torso, she doesn't scream like a hyena. Maybe the musical accompaniment helps.
Comments: 4
So if you're cycling around the countryside and come across a bunch of wild horses, it's probably best not to wave your hand around near their mouths. They apparently have an aversion to lycra clad idiots.
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Continuing to mock all those films that we love to hate, the Honest Trailers guys have leveled their sights at James Cameron's Avatar. If you're the person who liked the film, you should look away now.
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I'm not sure if this is an actual weather report that made it to the airwaves or just an awesome spoof that was recorded for the amusement of the staff, but it's brilliant. Sir, I salute you, and your growing john.
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If you've never seen this chick before then you are about to be in for a very pleasant surprise - She is hawt-hawt-hawt!!!
Comments: 28
I fear a bad case of road rash. Whoever designed this race course is going to be in a lot of trouble in the morning. Can you even imagine crashing with nothing more than lycra to save you.
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This episode spans the two years before the Great War beginning with news of the sinking of the Titanic, which sets the story in motion. It doesn’t really, but it’s got lots of cats in it.
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