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Rockets On Head, Crotch & Toes
Sometimes you can take things waay too far in the pursuit of impressing chicks - His crotch is now officially a fire hazard, which just gives girls a perfectly legitimate reason to avoid it.
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As if to prove a point that certain elements of the whole Lord of the Rings trillogy are, well lets say, on the gay side, here is final proof that some of you might have been right all along. Queue the YMCA classic song.
Comments: 84
OMG - If this totally insane commercial doesn't make you want to go out and buy these weird noodles then nothing will. Surely noodles have energy in them already right?
Comments: 1
Sounds like a spoof movie, but with Tim Burton directing it, it could be done completely straight-faced. Here's hoping that in the sequel it's George Washington killing nazi robot ninjas from the future.
Comments: 0
First day on the job and as a car leaves the bay this guy figures out the fastest way to the bottom of the oil change pit.
Comments: 2
Even after one thousand years, crushing a fat kid's balls with a jousting pole is still the sport of kings.
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The poor owner sprayed for termites, refurbished his store's interior, but he forgot to buy 'fat guy on the roof' insurance.
Comments: 1
Smart. This guy just made his job easier. Now he only has half as much boat to captain.
Comments: 36
It's pretty eye catching, but is it worth the dough? Also, where do the batteries go? It's pretty cool if you're into that kind of thing, but I'd rather have something a bit more functional for my money...
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A driver spins out one dark and stormy night, taking out an electrical pole and starting his own one-man fireworks display. I'd love to see his insurance claim details!
Comments: 3
I seriously love videos like this, you just know what is gonna happen before you start to watch it, the only burning question is WHEN this seriously cute chick is gonna fall - LOL!
Comments: 4