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Radical Fapping Is Required
When a hawt chick is dying medical professionals have to resort to drastic measures, a de-fap-rillator! - WTF!?!
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Yes, that mischevious mutt is back to his old tricks again, completely ingnoring the exasperated cries of his master and doing whatever the hell he feels like, which in this case is interrupting a fishing show.
Comments: 196
Skater jumps down a flight of stairs and straight in front of the path of a speeding car. Great work dipsh!t
Comments: 0
This appears to be a stunt gone wrong. If I read it right, the quad was actually supposed to land on his head, not just on his back.
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I've seen some dumb things in my time but this stunt was doomed to failure from the outset. Still it's waay better to watch someone else attempt this than ever trying it out for yourself - OUCH!
Comments: 3
If you think this dude is pretty amazing, remember there's a guy somewhere out there riding on just the front wheel.
Comments: 2
No wonder he was in such a hurry to make it through the turnstile. His trip started a little earlier than he'd expected.
Comments: 4
Yeah, like this isn’t disturbing in anyway, shape, or form. But who doesn’t like eating babies? M’mm they taste so delicious, you can’t blame these people for wanting to devour one. Oh, what, it’s only a cake?
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There's nothing funnier than illiterate intenet postings, except those same poorly typed prose being read by a classically trained Shakespearean actor, purposefully enunciating all the typos perfectly.
Comments: 2
Getting a tramp stamp should be a proud moment, full of joy & smiles - She's screaming because she's having a REALLY good time. Isn't that obvious? I thought chicks were meant to be better at taking pain. FAIL!
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This little kid tries to hang on the rim but ends up pulling the backboard off the garage and slamming it onto himself. It's a hard way to learn a lesson - LMAO!
Comments: 4