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Starring DIDGA! Like "parkour" but with a REAL cat. Yes, cats run, jump on, climb up, jump off and always land on their feet, but you've never seen it done like this. Likes, comments and Shares always welcomed.
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Now this is some sophisticated hardware. It's based on interception, stopping the projectile before it reaches its intended target, effectively rendering it defunct and unable to complete its course and unleash its destruction.
Comments: 0
This guy works his way to the top of Red Gates, Russia's tallest skyscraper. At that height, everyone fighting, wrecking cars, and consuming Vodka should look like ants to him.
Comments: 2
These scorching riffs have gotta make this Slash wannabe the top contender for the championship !
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If I saw a chick wearing this outfit licking a Popsicle that had 'eat me' written on it I would probably 'Jizz in my pants'!!
Comments: 0
Waay after youve drained the bag & tipped every last crumb into your eager mouth like your very life depended it, there's always the best part of the doritos left over. The orange finger fuzz. Enjoy.
Comments: 2
This one does exactly what it says on the tin. A bunch of students being interviewed on camera while their teachers bust a move in the background. No explainations, none needed. Just teachers dancing behind students. WTF?
Comments: 5
This camel ends up taking a seat at this church's Christmas play. Disclaimer: No wise men were harmed in the production of this church's Christmas play, nor were any involved in the planning.
Comments: 5
His mom gives him the nod, “The camera’s pointing at you son”. And that’s it, he’s off owning his 15 minutes of glory up and down the steps - This is as close to spontaneous genius-tastic as it gets!
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Disappointed with the ending of the Harry Potter film series? Not enough Master Chief in it for you? Well fear not, here's how the last film should've ended. Maybe they can bring out a director's cut on the DVD?
Comments: 1
No matter how great a dancer you think you are, this will put your moves to shame. They dance like a couple of warrior robots from the future where epic is something eaten for breakfast & selling rugs is a serious business.
Comments: 6