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Pug Sings Batman Theme!
Pugs are awesome enough just as they are, however this little guy is beyond awesome because he can sing the Batman theme song! What more would you want from a dog?
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Lets put the politics to one side for a moment & focus on what’s really important; Rap battles. Time for Romney & Barack to square off in the field of lyrical combat to see who’s rhymes are tighter & who’s got the most swag.
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In case women can't find a willing man to do this for them, which I'm finding very unlikely considering how desperate the male population of earth is for a bit of action, then you can always buy this electronic device.
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Freddie Wong, hardest working man on the internet is back with a smoking hot chick from the new 90210 - I bet Freddie gunned in his pants when making this!
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An now it's time for something you've probably never seen before; a front(ish) flip on a unicycle! According to this guy he's the only person in the world to do this stunt. I am Jack's complete lack of surprise.
Comments: 1
It’s all too easy to get caught up in the moment when it comes to decorating your tree. Did you know that 400 families get attacked by Christmas decorations every festive season. And that’s just in Wyoming.
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A spectator gets slammed to the ground and trampled on after jumping the crash barrier to root on his favorite horse. He is luckily recovering with only minor head and chest injuries.
Comments: 2
Rule number 1: It's really important to realize that when you are doing something as manly as shark fishing, you really should not scream like a girl if something bad happens.
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Like or loathe soccer, you've got to admit that this guy has some serious skills. The skills in question might be almost entirely useless in any practical sense but I bet he still impresses the ladies with them.
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This guy popped a champagne cork into his unsuspecting friend's nuts. Now that the champagne is open, they can drink to the end of their friendship and toast the friend's inability to procreate.
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The Magic Man teaches Finn an important lesson about jerks by turning him into a giant good-smelling foot. If you've never watched Adventure Time before, you totally should. It's full of hilarious nonsense like this.
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