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Planet Pizza: The Facts
M'mmm Pizza. I don't know about you but when I'm hungry for pizza i don't care where or how it's made, it's only after i've eaten it all i'll pray to god thats not were it comes from?
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Yep, it's just a bunch of pipes on an industrial estate, nothing to see here. Or is there...Looks to me like two iron giants are getting it on, even if their technique seems a little rusty. I'd tap it.
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This girl has the hairiest arms I've ever seen! Could you imagine what her legs must look like? Yikes!
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Yes, fire is the best idea when you need to focus a camera..LOL!
Comments: 1
It's a lot less gritty than Breaking Bad. Essentially it's about two guys with nothing to lose who start making wholemeal loaves in a portable bakery.
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So you've seen all those photobomb pics of guys making silly faces behind hot chicks or naked guys walking behind hotties at the beach. This is NOT one of those.
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You can just tell his whole life story by looking at this picture - I'll bet he is the hardest guy in the whole trailer park!
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See? If this was the movie poster I might have gone to see that movie. If that wizened old bitch had sunk the Belgrano with a repulsor blast I'd probably think she was way cooler too.
Comments: 4
Remember your first car? You probably thought it was a total muff magnet, right? Well, chances are it was a steaming heap of crap, but it just looked awesome to you at the time. You were this kid.
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He might not look like the sort of guy you want to give a nice big warm hug to, but you shouldn't judge a book by it's cover. Unless it's Mein Kampf, in which case judge away.
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Kids today, they have it all, but are still not satisfied! Even 2pac would be jealous of that gangsta Cookie Monster hat! (note: iphones, the phone for gangstas)
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