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Parallel Bars Nut Shot
With great ability comes great risk (and pain) - Team USA lost one of its male athletes today but gained a promising hairy female gymnast - You can't help but cross your legs when you watch this - OUCH!
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You know the economy is getting pretty rough when people can't afford new wiper blades and have to manually squeegee the windshield while they drive. WTF!?!
Comments: 2
It's a fine case of proving that chicks & guns are a lethal combination, some things should NEVER go together - Her gun skills may not make her Dirty Harry, but she still made my day.
Comments: 8
I've no idea where this is but the delivery driver definitely has the right idea. Instead of hiring someone to drag stuff of the back of his truck, he does it all himself, the easy way!
Comments: 2
You've heard of a boy named Sue, well this is a chimp named Sue, and it's attacking a squad car. Maybe because it's a boy chimp and it's angry at its stupid name?
Comments: 0
He didn't qualify for the X-Games, but he did qualify for a discount on a hip replacement.
Comments: 4
The whole Team Fortress 2 gang get in on an amusing rendition of Foux Du Fafa from Flight Of The Conchords. If you've never seen that show, and don't speak French, don't worry. By the sounds of it neither do they...
Comments: 1
No laundry basket should be without one! All you need to do is hurl your filthy cast-offs in the vague direction of the laundry basket and this strange little feline will do the rest, leaping up and catching them like a boss.
Comments: 1
Tokyo drift plus ice road truckers equals something close to this, which is a show I would totally watch and definitely NOT be involved in - OMG!
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Hugh Jackman is having a rough month. Starts off by busting up his eye on Oprah and now he takes a fastball to the nuts playing cricket.
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Just when you thought you'd had enough of music talent contests - you're not safe! At least there's not sign of Simon Cowell!
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