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Operation Douchebag
Playing Battlefield 3 is fun. Sometimes a little more fun than playing a video game should be. Welcome to the world of trolling, rage quits and epic lols at the expense of others. Welcome to Operation Douchebag! LOLOLOLOL!
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I suppose it's logical to put the two together to create something so powerful, so amazing, it's surprising the internet hasn't collapsed.
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This kid overshoots his jump by about 10 feet and starts rehearsing the pain he is about to feel while still in mid-air. Ouch!
Comments: 2
If you're going to touch an electric fence and you're having someone record your bravery for posterity's sake, don't dawdle. Get to the brave part or you just look a dork. Also, make sure it's actually electrified!
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Jimmy talks to Morgan about his Science show, Through the Wormhole with Morgan Freeman, but they don't discuss normally, instead they suck the helium out of balloons while they chat, just, well, because.
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Little Bro gets a medicine ball to the face - Nice fall. LOL
Comments: 22
Well, this one blew my mind. How the hell did he do that? Apparently, physics just don't exist in this guys backyard. The dude could walk across the water and I don't think I wouldn't be anymore impressed.
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I've heard of respecting your adversaries but this goes a bit far. One thing I don't get though, if this is all it took to KO this dude, what's he doing in the ring to begin with?
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I thought parents tried to teach kids NOT to put strange things in their mouths.. WTF???
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It's a question ever man asks: does Size Matter? Well yeah, but maybe not exactly where you thought—it matters down there but way down there where you feet are and these people can help add inches to you.
Comments: 6
If you are an athlete then 'Fail' is definitely gonna end in FAIL! This chick trips over the top of a hurdle then follows with a perfect faceplant into the track.
Comments: 2