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Most Awesome Pranks Volume 4
There are lots of ways to prank people, but these are some of the Most Awesome. From birthday cake bombs to firecracker & wake up pranks, nothing comes between these 5 pranks & awesomeness... except maybe fire.
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It's the hound from hell - This is one pooch you really don't wanna mess around with !
Comments: 3
If you breath oxygen, then you need to see this documentary. Because who doesn’t love that little furry red freak that enriched our little lives when we were knee high to a grasshopper and the world was one big playground.
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A 15 year old girl with her driving permit crashes into a coffee shop. Somehow nobody was injured in the accident - I'm guessing that she was blonde and thought it was a drive-thru?
Comments: 5
I'm sure a lot of you seen the first guy shooting in this video before, but here is a complete collection of test footage of these guys basically breaking their shoulders with this insane gun
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It's something that George Lucas never covered in his films but at some point Yoda must have had a case of severely bad gas. If he did then this is probably exactly what it would have looked and sounded like.
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It took a few seconds for him to register that he'd been knocked out. It'll be morning before he actually feels the kick that knocked him out.
Comments: 5
I have no idea what the hell this is about. Answers on a postcard please. I know the Me Gusta meme, but the lol face, the zombie style infection and the spitting are all just plain weird. Still, me gusta. *dance*
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Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant take Karl to task on another one of his ill conceived ideas - 'Satnavs are lazy'. If you like watching an idiot being ruthlessly mocked by comedians this is right up your street!
Comments: 2
Mister Weebl obviously has far too much time on his hands. He's only gone and crafted an audio-visual treat for your senses as a way to pay homage to the earthly delights embodied in teeny tiny onions. Bloody weirdo.
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Justin Bieber arrives in New Zealand this November, which is bad luck for New Zealanders but help is at hand. In the greatest contest ever held, you could win tickets out of the country and away from the Belieber circus.
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