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Miley Cyrus – Wrecking Ball (Chatroulett...
You will laugh tears of hilarity while watching this, as prankster Steve Kardynal brings amusement, astonishment and bafflement in equal measure to the populace of Chatroulette — who, to their credit, respond very well.
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Clearly, this supermarket likes to keep its beef very fresh.
Comments: 3
Are you having trouble using normal condoms then this could be the solution for you. But it probably wont be, but just ignore the disclaimers and you'll be fine.
Comments: 0
Looks like Men In Black is about to Time Jump the shark. If you enjoyed Men In Black and think that all it was missing was a hokey time travel storyline, you'll love this. Personally I'm not holding out high hopes.
Comments: 0
Airbag pranks are ten-a-penny o the internets, but DAMN are they funny. The most enjoyment I've got out of them has bee from this montage so it comes highly recommended. Some are truly spectacular. Enjoy!
Comments: 3
This is what happens when you pay the guy living on the benches on the sidewalk to paint the benches on the sidewalk.
Comments: 0
There's trolling and then there's this, which is humiliation, but then these guys are surfing Chatroulette in the hope that they'll see some bewbies, when all they're get is guys' johnsons and men in bikinis.
Comments: 85
A judge gets between two competitors and ends up accidentally winning the match with a completely unintentional kick to the head. I hope he raised his own hand in victory.
Comments: 6
Some guy makes his girl a marriage proposal at a Rockets game... He will never forget this!
Comments: 2
There's nothing like a hot, feisty older lady. But this goes beyond the cougar aged sort, into grimmer territory and his guy's into it, and a degenerate of the highest ord
Comments: 330
Japan: Solving its overcrowding problem one game show contestant at a time. It's only a matter of time before Battle Royale becomes reality.
Comments: 87