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Mega Egg
Looks like XZibit has pimped your breakfast. Yo dawg, I heard you like eggs so I put and egg in your egg so you can raise your cholesterol while you raise your cholesterol. Double the flavour, yo.
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I can't believe how stupid some animals are...cute, but dumb. Just look at these ducks, they have gone to the mall to do some shopping but they can't work out how to use the elevator. Totally quackers!
Comments: 4
The boys at DICE will be dropping the Battlefield DLC on December 11th & in order to whet your appetite they've produced a trailer showing off just how awesome all of the new maps and weapons are.
Comments: 3
From most other angles it just looks like the lumpy handiwork of the word's most drunken gardener but from the right angle it forms an incredible optical illusion that will blow your fragile little mind.
Comments: 0
Sometimes skating is all about attitude and when you bail it's a case of stylin' it so it looks intentional. This on the other hand is like pouring petrol onto the bonfire of FAIL!
Comments: 99
Hey, it's another movie compilation but this time it's not the films themselves but the trailers. What a total treat for us all, there's nothing like a movie montage to curl up with on a winter's night. That and a crack pipe.
Comments: 0
This is NOT the best time to act like a ninja - I believe he told them the rent was too damn high and then tried to take matters into his own hands. As a karate expert, he should've known the odds were stacked against him. OUCH!
Comments: 0
By now the downfall parodies have become something of a played out meme. The fuhrer's fury does fit pretty well with everyone's collective feelings about SOPA/PIPA though, so it's worth resurrecting. While we still can...
Comments: 2
There are only 2 words that can begin to describe what is going on here "WTF - weird.."
Comments: 1,795
A couple guys armed with guns will always beat a full house.
Comments: 0
I didn't even know that "Skimboarding" was a thing until I saw this video. Apparently it is and it's pretty badass. It's a lot like surfing though, if you're good you can surf a wave and not even get wet!
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