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Kobayashi - Hot Dog Champ
according to this commentator not only is he the best in the world at stuffing his face with hot dogs, but he is, and I quote: "Arguably the best athlete practicing any sport today". High praise. Seriously high.
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This dude is insane times infinity. On the highway, traveling at over 45mph, he rides underneath a tractor in order to pass it. I'd hate to be a passenger on that ride :(
Comments: 20
it's the epitomy of a 'bad day at the office', you are full of rage, but no one and nothing to take it out on - Cue an innocent elevator that you failed to get into and let your fury fly.
Comments: 0
Thank the ninja gods that Jackie has spoken out against a crime against humanity: Little kids doing karate in movies. He kicks the crap out of those little bastards. Go Jackie!
Comments: 0
Where the cities are paved with freedom and the national sport is grand theft auto. You might think the audio quality is good while watching Wildest Police Chases. That's because you're not watching it, you're LIVING it. LOL.
Comments: 1
Teenagers filming fights on their camera phones is as old as happy slapping, but this footage from a school in Leicester is pretty shocking by anyone's standards.
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This is what happens when you don't listen to what your parents tell you.. lol
Comments: 1
The score from one of the godawful Star Wars prequels gets a damn good mocking as lyrics are added by way of humerous guesswork. I'd like to think these are the real lyrics but I doubt the song is about corn...
Comments: 0
I love it when you get two for the price of one! Looks like the guy who gets owned first SO impressed the other dude that he decided to pay homage to his failage by mimicing his aborted BMX stunt failure - Pain is GREAT!
Comments: 92
This is the coolest toilet I've ever seen! I'm only left wondering why it's taken so long for someone to come up with this idea. Break out the ecstasy, grab some toilet paper and lets go PARTY!!!
Comments: 0
Sneaking a video camera into a high security prison might not seem very useful but apparently it's pretty dangerous. This guy should have opted for a rock hammer and a poster of Rita Hayworth.
Comments: 5