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Juan Of The Dead
Olé for CUBAN ZOMBIES! Being Cuba's first real horror movie, "Juan Of The Dead" comes as a Latin take on zombie comedy flicks, reminiscing "Shaun Of The Dead", but just a little, as it has it's own unique dimension.
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What exciting times these are, to witness such unprecedented events such as the rescue of the new Fallout game from its plastic packaging. Truly it is a miracle worthy of the old testament, a truly spectacular occurrence!
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Have you ever fallen asleep in class and woken up with something of yours missing? Well don't be fooled because it could all be a big plan for the teacher to cop a feel ! God damn teachers !!!
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I guess for dogs, howling is like yawning. If you see someone else doing it you can't help but do it yourself. What makes this phenomenon even funnier is if the dog in question has a hilarious howl.
Comments: 1
Attempting to avoid a traumatizing experience for his kids this Dad starts singing 'Lalalala' while the lions attack the trainers. I am sure his kids will forget the whole thing now.
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This kitten has mistaken the printer for a cosy chill-out spot. The paper tray looked so inviting earlier, that was until some comedy genius decided it was time to print off some documents.
Comments: 5
She really knows how to work that thing! As far as on air faux pas go, this one is a doozy. Sticking something fairly phallic looking in your mouth while working it rhythmically with your hand is always going to raise an eyebrow.
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This dude stands on the edge of a box and falls forwards, slamming his face on the edge of a metal chair. You kinda want to know what was going through his head, or maybe not? You get what you pay for - FAIL!
Comments: 2
This is a tough gig, Lars Larson works at the Topless Trampolining World Championships, massaging and making sure the competitors are tip-top. The list for an apprenticeship must be endless?
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It wasn't like this when I was a kid. These guys have perfected their art and fitted all the cars with warp drives to make them go just short of the speed of light. In a race like this though, there are no winners...
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Seen the new Hobbit film yet? Disappointed? Well, perhaps this new animation from the How It Should Have Ended guys can help - it should heal the pain of these money-spinning adaptations.
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