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Jewelry Store Owner Fends Off Robber
They say that practice makes perfect, but this is just sad! This thief is going to need to spend a lot more time sharpening his fundamentals if he ever expects to turn pro.
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The Association Of Finnish Lawyers put this commercial together that asks whether what this woman is doing constitutes harassment in the workplace. We pose the question to you. Is this harassment?
Comments: 2
Who says internet friends aren’t real friends? So take that mum! Sarah and Paige have been BFFs since they were only 8 years of age, but the totally crazy thing is, they’ve never met… until now.
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Outtakes from the famous ETrade Baby Commercials
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This video does exactly what it says on the tin. There is a dog that is trying to act like a cat and he fails. I bet you all the money in my pocket that the cat does a totally convincing impression of the dog...
Comments: 13
I wonder if this lady has gained weight since she got her dog.. -COOL
Comments: 7
This fancy wine lady is far too generous in her ratings. Except for Natty Light. Too hard on that timeless gem. Plus, she was giving the beers near the end a higher score because she was drunk.
Comments: 444
If you set up a camera filming your face as you sat through these close calls, you’d probably find you’re pulling all kinds of strange expressions. it’s wince city all the way.
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This chick should be in the NBA. Sure, she probably can't dunk, but who cares if she can sink baskets like these. She manages to swoosh 250 points in roughly 60 seconds. Better than your average.
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Want the perfect snap of yourself ? Then you are going to need very special skills my friend...
Comments: 1
I’ve never heard of this cheeky cockney chap before but he certainly knows how to conduct an interview. This has to be the best A-list celebrity interview I have ever seen. Denzel Washington truly is The Man.
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