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With the current hipster coolometer pointing firmly to the past the current trend is to glorify the past, no matter how crappy it was. Chronic vignetting, dreary colours and horrible resolution? So cool.
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Don't you hate when uninvited guests drop in at your house? It's almost unbearable!
Comments: 212
It’s tough being a gleaming beacon of excellence when you’re surrounded by shoddy halfwits who couldn’t do their jobs if it was organising a piss-up in a Jack Daniels distillery.
Comments: 0
It has the classic slasher horror set-up, the seemingly helpless female home alone in her underwear, a crazed knife-wielding maniac stalking her trying to break into her house, but then...oh my God ...it's... it's... Neeeeeyaaaargh!
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The school girl outfit, a classic, perennially up there with the cheerleader, nurse, Batman...no...wait!
Comments: 0
Sometimes you can't help pullling an awesome beach prank on a cute chick and these guys already managed to pull it off. Adding the drink was a nice touch guys, but then, she was a blonde so it couldn't have been that hard!?
Comments: 1
So Daniel here decided to ask his girlfriend to the prom by putting the question up as signs at the side of the road. Total FAIL buddy!
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The Groupon said $25 for $100 worth of tree cutting services, but it was really only $25 worth.
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Simon's cat is feeling rather sleepy, but he gets a rude awakening—which you should never do to a cat in case they scratch your eyes out or wait it out and get you back when you least expect it.
Comments: 2
After seeing the trailer for this magnificent trilogy, I really hope our country increases foreign aid to Ghana so Ghana can funnel that money into special effects. Meantime enjoy the mega-lolz.
Comments: 2
If you're not familiar with BirGirPall and his BF3 videos, he's a highly skilled lunatic who takes more enjoyment from griefing and trolling than he does from PTFOing. Must be annoying as a team mate but it's worth it.
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