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Insane Bike Test On Live TV FAIL!
I can never remember whether there are no do-overs in life or in live TV. In this case, it's probably both.
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Gyms are full of douchebags. This is a statement of fact. If you have a gym membership there’s a one in five chance that you’re a total dick. That’s why I never go to gyms. I just chill in my moms basement eating pizza rolls.
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When Antonín Dvořák composed his Symphony No 9 Allegro con fuoco back in the 19th century, he no doubt had in mind Korean women in short shorts. And so over a century later the internet has made it so.
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Not only does this dude wipe out hard on the jump but as he gets up to brush himself off his snowmobile speeds off unmanned.
Comments: 3
As soon as you hear the cables snap, you definitely get a sinking feeling that something bad is about to happen - WHOOPS!
Comments: 1
Invention of the century. I used to think flyswats were pretty cool until I clapped eyes on this badboy. No fuss, no mess, no flies. Just target practice and a few pinches of salt on the floor. SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY!
Comments: 2
The folks at The Unusual Suspect have done another Power Rangers intro mashup, this time the 1993 science fiction film, Jurassic Park. The team used the style of the intro from the Power Rangers Dino Thunder series, complete with screens shattered by dino
Comments: 2
His last, ironic text: drivng bus sux, couldnt get any worse tho...FML.
Comments: 24
Today we show you how to twerk like Miley Cyrus. Ever since she performed her hit "We can't stop" at the MTV Video Music Awards everyone has been wondering how she obtained her godly twerking abilities. Here's her secret.
Comments: 2
The Wire is now trying to conquer the comedy market. But due to low funds and laziness, producers have clearly resorted to regurgitating old scenes, with a cheap laughter track added. WTF!?!
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If you thought mime couldn’t be entertaining then you obviously haven’t seen Gamarjobat. From Japan, they imbue lots of humor and slapstick into their very funny physical comedy performance.
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