If Your Dog Could Text...
Let's say your beloved mutt managed to grow some thumbs and was able to use a cellphone—it would probably be a very bad thing because you'd end up getting texts like this ALL THE FRIKKIN TIME.
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Social networking may be cool, but just remember that your parents have access to it as well. Facebook and parents are a pretty awful combination. Unwittingly revealing intimite details about you to the world.
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It's amazing just how much fun you can have with just a window, landscape, and a few pens. From such simple things, a creative mind can conjure up and offer up a batch of greatness that truly has to be witnessed.
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Imagine life as just one big ocean, filled with cuties. All you have to do is dip in your rod and before long you'll get a nibble. Now if only things were as easy as that there would be no more wars and total world peace. Nice thought.
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Lots of cute chicks with BIG guns and something tells me they are VERY adept at finding their way around a big weapon that doesn't fire blanks, not only that but you just know they are used to taking orders!
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Hailing from the North Shore of Kauai, cute Alana Blanchard is one of the top 5 most popular women surfers on Earth - She's down to earth, beautiful and charges infamous Banzai Pipeline. She's a pin-up who can surf.
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Not content with having the latest phone technology, cute babes are taking self-shooting to a whole new level, alone in bathrooms & pushing the envelope, they explore the limits of phone-photo-posing-perfection - WOW!
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It's bloody Monday, again. Where in god's name did the last 48hrs go and how the hell did it come around so quick again? Fear not, it's time for an injection into you frontal cortex of the best pictures the interwebs has to offer.
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Everyone has the right to protest, but it just seems that nowadays there are as many protests to counter-protest as there are things to protest about. Behold some VERY amusing ways to disrupt a dumb protest!
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So scientists have discovered the Higgs Boson particle at CERN and I don't even know what that is. I also don't care. I'd rather look at pics of Thor holding ice creams. If you're like me then this is the gallery for you. LOLZ > SCIENCE!
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The first major terrorist attack on US soil and it was one that shocked the world. Whether thinking about it makes you angry, sad or patriotic, there's no denying that it makes for some extremely powerful images.
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