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How To Walk Your Human
A guide for cats who want to walk their pet human in the easiest and most effective manner. This is the only way that a cat would be willing to go for a walk with a human; if it was clear to all that the cat was in charge.
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This is the kind of nut shot that'd render you infertile for the rest of you life. Just look at the power at which it hits him in the groin. He knows it has done some serious damage but all his friends & anyone else can do is lol at him!!!
Comments: 566
By the time the owner realizes whats going on his car is already gone - This guy is FAST!!!
Comments: 1
What exciting times these are, to witness such unprecedented events such as the rescue of the new Fallout game from its plastic packaging. Truly it is a miracle worthy of the old testament, a truly spectacular occurrence!
Comments: 0
It appears nature is attempting to accelerate the pace at which it eliminates people who "plank" from the gene pool.
Comments: 224
Inspired by Microsoft's new piece of kit, the Kinect, this interactive projection mapped art work allows people to project their movement onto a building by leaping about & flaying their arms around!
Comments: 0
A bunch of plastic balls come alive into a twisting, turning levitating creature in this video that cries out to be called fake but it would be awesome if it was real. It's definitely gay though, you can tell by the way it moves. Be amazed.
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No one does uncanny strangeness like Tim & Eric, two men whose alien hearts probably pump LSD round their veins while they secrete peculiarity out of their pores. Looks like Japan’s got some stiff competition in the WTF stakes.
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The first couple are instantly recognizable and the more he does the more obscure and niche they become. Still,every one is hilarious and most likely based on someone's actual guitar-face. Hilarious
Comments: 0
Spare a momentary thought for those less fortunate than you, those people who suffered failage this month. And not only suffered, but had the misfortune that it was captured on camera too.
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With millions of $$$'s being spent on blockbuster movies isn't it time we took a whole new approach to viewer entertainment - Made in 4 afternoons and with no special effects, this is much better than the real thing - LOL
Comments: 3