Hot Chicks With Stormtroopers!
Stormtroopers always get all the hot chicks. Say what you want about chicks digging rebels, but there's no arguing Stormtroopers get a lot more chicks!
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WARNING: Only look at these pictures if you fully understand the fact that once seen you will never be able to look at any cute celeb (of in fact any girl) ever again without the realisation that without teeth they look as scary as f#ck!
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Ah, for those wonderful days of college life, where you devoted all of your time to study and the pursuit of knowledge to further your young mind. There was very little time for anything else really. Or was that in another reality?
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They might be annoying at times but health and safety rules are there for a reason. They are there to stop idiots like the ones here from endangering themselves and everyone around them with their comically calamitous hijinks.
Comments: 43
I'm guessing that if you're a busy hard-working journalist with deadlines to meet then sometimes you just don't notice the perverted prose you are inadvertently writing, or then again, maybe you do!?
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Females, sometimes there's no logic to them, however much you try to rationalize it, the best thing is to let them get on with it (if it involves interaction with you), whatever it is the hell they think they're doing?
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Lets face it, when you are a celeb you can pretty much get away with anything, even murder (OJ anyone?), it's only when you look at the paparazzi photos you really see what they have been getting up to!
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It's always a good idea to get behind something that takes your interest, that you can put all of your efforts into & enjoy the fruits of your labours. Personally i make sure that i always have multiple causes to get behind.
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Not sure whether these would sell too well or even if they'd past safety regulations, but they're pretty damn cool. Created to the precise blueprints of tiny hands and simple minds, each one is unique.
Comments: 23
Time for photographic evidence to prove that women & alcohol are possibly the greatest combination ever - It's like the perfect blend of cutie chemistry, creating a raunchy reaction that dudes everywhere cannot stop drooling over - YES!!!!
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These are the celebrities most in demand every time you type their name into our favourite search engine (is there another one?). There are quite a few surprises as well as the token lesbian to feast your eyes on.
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