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Horse Got Game
Forget closing the door after the horse has bolted! Game. He has it. This chivalrous horse opens doors for mares because he knows a little effort upfront, now, will pay off on the backside later.
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When all else fails, the only recourse is to sound the conch and gather together this elite team...
Comments: 0
Jimmy KImmel's weekly tribute to the FCC, where they bleep and blur things whether they need it or not. This week they feature Jared Leto, Yankees manager Joe Girardi and many more. Happy lolz!
Comments: 7
Witness a compilation of upset-inducing scenes where adults act like assholes and steal dreams (and baseballs) as players throw the cute little kids a game ball to keep as a treasured memory (nightmare).
Comments: 0
After watching this russian pop singer go on a kids' show in an outfit that only those kids' dads would love!!
Comments: 1
If you're interested in military hardware then you're sure to get a kick out of this. Footage of the awesome Javelin missile being fired from a tripod by and infantryman. Way more impressive than you'd expect...
Comments: 1
Some dude falls off his bike during a race and the guy behind him doesn't have time to react and runs him over.
Comments: 6
Sure, driving with an old lady would be annoying, but you would get to park in handicapped spots.
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This little boy may be young but he’s already an accomplished escape artist, managing to climb out of his crib with some effort but some skill too. Dad wanted to find out how he went about completing such a feat.
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Not something that everyone can try in their back garden, but if you have access to a giant earth mover and a backyard big enough to accommmodate it, this definitely looks like a whole lot of fun. Where do I sign up?
Comments: 3
This is pretty damn nerdy. After watching it for a while though, you can also appreciate that it's pretty damn impressive. To fly a remote controlled plane with that precision takes real skill. And a real nerd!
Comments: 2