Hilarious Dog Haircuts
Some people find it fun to get their dog a crazy hairdo, but I think some of these are borderlining on cruel and unusual punishment! Just remember that every dog will have it's day & get revenge!?
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Ah, the internet, where the pretty girls are either kinda fat, ugly, both, or not females at all but old men. It's all trickery. These girls have mastered the clever use of angles to conceal what they really look like.
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This Brittish hottie's smoking body certainly knows how to perfectly fill out a bikini. I'd be her cabana boy any day!
Comments: 109
It got pretty damn hot at points over this summer and watching people dealing with the heat in their own way is funny as hell. But watching animals deal with the high temperatures is even funnier.
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Apparently something rather perculiar happens if you put an egg in vinegar. It turns completely transparent and some how seems a lot less appealing to eat with thin strips of buttered toast. Weird.
Comments: 37
If you like lots of pictures of the same hot woman in lots of ever-so-slightly different bikinis, then we've got a real treat in store for you here. If this chick isn't a catalog model, then she's definitely got the skills.
Comments: 653
Time to get creative with some home-made 'tear-off-my-number' formats. Smarter than your average ad, these designs are entertaining, eye catching and you keep them as a souvenir.
Comments: 24
You can never have too much of a good thing when it comes to chicks, it might be true two's company, but three's a number i want to surround myself with if ever i get the chance coz all good things come in threes' :)
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It doesn't help that most of these people are as ugly as sin anyway, but add in the distortions from messing up a panoramic photo and you have some true nightmare fuel.
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Whats better than a beach babe i hear you ask? Well, a well tanned hottie who not only looks awesome in a bikini, but can also ride a surfboard as good as any man - It's enough to make you bury your head in the sand and cry!
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If you had any hatches and this was the view out of your window, it would probably be a good time to batten them down. This is true apocalypse style weather!
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