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Guy Crashes Into Table on Flip Attempt
Sometimes you hit the table, and sometimes the table hits you - HARD! Based on his lack of acrobatic skills, this must be the adopted brother.
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Definitely no touching this guy -- LOL
Comments: 1
ZeFrank turns his attention from the natural world to the supernatural world as he delivers some true facts about everyone's favourite silken voiced deity and penguin narrator Morgan Freeman.
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This chick nails her husband with a large pan in the back of the head after she dares him to chug a beer. It proves the old adage that you can drink yourself to death!
Comments: 1
Sometimes the ability of cats just blows your mind, take this little kitty for example, attempting to leap onto this shelf. It sizes it all up and is poised to make this epic jump and off he goes Go cat, go!....WAIT!?
Comments: 0
This fluffy coat wearing pimp daddy is so goddamn stylish that he can ever drop the mic mid-flow and make that sh#t look gooood! Not many rappers could do that but Kane does it with Style.
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He requires a minimum of 8.75 pats per hour, two fifteen minute sessions of chewing on shoes, one hour-long nap, and you have to pick up his crap. I say it's totally worth it.
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This is very, very impressive and to be able to do it without hurling makes it even more admirable — so if you're single and looking for a future wife, this is the right person for you.
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Sometimes EXTREME measures need to be taken - In the animal kingdom, a swirlie just isn't enough to get the message across. I think he got the attention he was looking for - OMG!
Comments: 28
They haven't seen each other for over 25 years and when they do they pick up right from where they left off. Unlike these men, this old football rivalry isn't going to die any time soon.
Comments: 1
The outback of Australia, a land of crocodiles & women with bigger kahunas than you !
Comments: 2