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Girls Fall Out Back of Truck
You have to ask yourself a very simple question here: What do the truck and the two girls' brains have in common? They both perform better when in contact with the road - How dumb can some people get?
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Women voraciously shovelling various food products into their mouths, is kinda weird, but hawt. There’s something disturbing yet compelling about it all. But hey, at least it’s not 2 Girls 1 Cup.
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SCIENCE! Being able to topple a domino weighing a 100lbs using one that is only 5mm high and 1mm thick is pretty god-damn awesome. It's all thanks to science, or physics, or one of those other boring things you learned at school.
Comments: 4
If your a fan of the humble harmonica and like to see it being played by someone who more than likely just sold their soul for skillz, then you're in luck. These guys are so badass they even add in some beatbox.
Comments: 1
If you thought that a pogo stick was a kids toy think again. It's now raised to the upper echelons of Extreme Sports Equipment, alonside those undersized BMX bike and the humble skateboard. Watch and learn.
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As soon as you hear the cables snap, you definitely get a sinking feeling that something bad is about to happen - WHOOPS!
Comments: 1
They are bursting to get out of the restrictive strain of that T-shirt. Let them be free, release them so they can bounce openly for us all to gawp at & admire. For that is the way of the bewb.
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As a last man’s dying wish goes, this guy just doesn’t know when to stop. Looking after your son is one thing but living out your sexual fantasies is just a step too far.
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You could find yourself in a whole heap of trouble if your missus gets hold of one of these babies ! The good old 'lying by omission' tactic just wouldn't be an option and you might find yourself actually having to be honest - Utter Madness !
Comments: 2
This old man learns that running with the bulls is a lot of fun up until the point the bull catches up.
Comments: 2
From the developers of everything Elder Scrolls comes a game so immersive you'll forget to eat, sleep, or make any friends at all. You'll spend countless hours trapped in a far off land.
Comments: 3