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Ghost Tits
What if one day you woke up and everything you'd known, everything you'd loved was gone. Starring Olivia Munn and Mr. Feeny, this spoof trailers is an adrenaline packed rollercoaster ride. With tits.
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You probably don’t need to watch a video to know this, but anything that bashes the Daily Mail can only really be a good thing, so totally worthy of your time. And the best way to do that is just to read out their headlines. Pwnd.
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This is just a horrible prank to play on someone.. - LOL
Comments: 1
One for the bucket list; Drink a milkshake on a motorbike going at 100 miles per hour. It's a great way to cool down - the combination of frozen dairy and wind chill may cause your nipples to fall clean off.
Comments: 4
Finding out your wife has signed up to a dating site where she wants to meet other guys is not the best Valentine’s gift. But, revenge is sweet and when it’s all you’ve got you might as well do it in style.
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Your forefathers died face down in the mud defending your right to vote ! Pay some respect and vote !
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In a world whose fabric seems to be crumbling away in a sea of economic collapse and urban rage, fuelled by a corrupt capitalist system that rewards selfishness and greed, even shadows won't work properly.
Comments: 2
Quick time events are shorthand for "This game is sh#t". They mark the point where the game's devs ran out of ideas and opted for Simple Simon style gameplay. This case is no different though it is more hilarious than normal.
Comments: 2
Just because the sport was invented in America doesn't mean that the Japanese won't become totally kick-ass at it. They're Asians, if there's one thing they're good at it's being good at everything!
Comments: 3
If superman had a dog it would probably be the most awesome cape wearing canine that has ever graced god's green earth. Also, it would do poops that would melt sheet ice and form a tiny little doggy fortress of solitude. Awww.
Comments: 12
Holy crap this is the William Tell of the 21st century! If this had gone wrong it would have hurt like crap but at least he would have got a good black eye.
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