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'Game of Thrones' 'I'm So Excited'
To express their excitement over the season 5 premiere of HBO's Game of Thrones, The Tonight Show staff edited footage of the show to make it appear like the characters are singing The Pointer Sisters' classic '80s hit "I'm So Excited."
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Like or loathe soccer, you've got to admit that this guy has some serious skills. The skills in question might be almost entirely useless in any practical sense but I bet he still impresses the ladies with them.
Comments: 1
If the Men's floor gymnastics were more like the womens the olympics would be a much more hilarious place. This guy might not be all that brilliant, but you have to hand it to him for effort and willing.
Comments: 417
Talk about luck. This may be the luckiest goal ever. The two teams playing were Termeno and Dro and the winner moves officially to Eccellenza, the 6th category of Italian football
Comments: 2
Ever wondered what playing skyrim would be like if instead of a dragonborn humanoid, you got to play as something a little more awesome, like a bear? Well this is probably how it would have gone down...
Comments: 2
He's pretty damn good on that drumkit, and his solo came out of nowhere. So did his bizarre reaction to it (WAIT FOR IT!). It's almost as if he has an allergic reaction to his own innate awesomeness...
Comments: 10
Could you play a video game while spiders and snakes crawled all over your hands and the joypad?
Comments: 1
Now why would a big crowd of spectators be gathered at a slow corner - Because almost every rally car takes this corner too fast and slams into this telephone pole.
Comments: 103
Working on Wallstreet. It's like working at an all you can exploit buffet. Still at least they occasionally get a reality check when a little girl with a mic offers them a napkin to wipe the blood from their hands.
Comments: 3
If you ever thought about getting into Taekwondo then just watch this demo video and it should put you off for life. These guys are so bad at it, it's hilarious.
Comments: 0
The new innovation in getting fit & shaping up hits the gym, ok, it does look like you are indulging in a power-fap & maybe it is best not to do it around other guys, but hey, it's all in a good cause, right!?
Comments: 1