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Freeline Skating Looks Awesome
Freeline skating is intended to give the user the feeling of skateboarding, snowboarding, surfing, and inline skates all in one. Skates consist of two separate metal plates with two wheels attached.
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A van stalls out on train tracks in Buenos Aires, and a good citizen manages to push the car to safety just before a train barrels through it. Still trying to work out what his reasoning was?
Comments: 2
Who knew that hitler was a bona fide dance master!? I mean I know he did all that bad stuff because the history channel keeps banging on about it but apparently as well as not liking the jews, this boy could DANCE!
Comments: 1
Never listen to boring old nursery rhymes again, now you can rock out to Humpty Dumpty :)
Comments: 1
Not known for it's liberal stance, fox news takes a moment to embrace it's true feelings about homosexuality. They take it a little too far though as two men hold hands while getting wet and slippy at a potters wheel.
Comments: 1
You may think the Lord of the Sith's an evil f#cker; getting his kicks out of torturing his only son & enslaving the galaxy. But did you know he’s kinda cute when he’s ticklish. Bless.
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Sounds like a spoof movie, but with Tim Burton directing it, it could be done completely straight-faced. Here's hoping that in the sequel it's George Washington killing nazi robot ninjas from the future.
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He could have this man flayed alive, set on fire, forced to watch reruns of Sunset Beach or worst of all, made to eat a Pot Noodle. Unfortunately for the victim, this guy has much more fiendish torture in mind.
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If cats and dogs were people which one do you think you would rather hang out with? The dog who is overly effusive or the cat who secretly hates you and vomits on your kitchen floor intentionally?
Comments: 2
So Google Glass went into limited beta release, with select customers allowed to use the technology for 24 hours. Derrick Hannan used his to film the St Paddy’s Day weekend, recording people’s drunken debauchery.
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There's definitely a puerile joke in here somewhere. An attractive girl from Hooters showing customers how to get rid of those unwanted 'bones' using just a stack of napkins and a little elbow grease...
Comments: 4