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Epic Peekaboo Surprise Freaks Out Daughter
If you were looking for ways to traumatize a small child while playing a game of peekaboo, then this is the way to do it—one moment daddy's got a beard and the next... it's meltdown central.
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What's that, you think he's cute? WRONG! That's no ordinary hamster. He's the most foul, cruel and bad tempered rodent you ever set eyes on! He's a killer with nasty, big, pointy teeth. Rabies anyone?
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You may think the Lord of the Sith's an evil f#cker; getting his kicks out of torturing his only son & enslaving the galaxy. But did you know he’s kinda cute when he’s ticklish. Bless.
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Football rules are pretty strict about lateral passes, but this one was simply ruled badass.
Comments: 1
So, the most important question of our generation; can you blow up a firecracker inside a balloon using a high powered laser without inadvertently popping said balloon? Place your bets now!
Comments: 2
So what’s wrong with a post-coital bong? It’s simple maths. If one is enjoyable, then adding two of the most pleasurable activities on this earth together can only result in something even better. Amirite?
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The score from one of the godawful Star Wars prequels gets a damn good mocking as lyrics are added by way of humerous guesswork. I'd like to think these are the real lyrics but I doubt the song is about corn...
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Henri's ennui continues. If you've never watched a cat exploring his listlessness and bored dissatisfaction at the endless tedium that we call life, you're missing out. Thankfully this video captures it perfectly.
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If you can't watch Quentin Tarantino's most iconic movie without thinking that certain things wouldn't go down like that in the real world, then HISHE have got your back. Here's their take on Pulp Fiction.
Comments: 198
There are two good things to come out of this. One, his sandals are now clean. Two, all the diseases in New York are now quarantined within one man.
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Pity this poor dog owner, he comes home to find that his dog has pooped and instead of cleaning it up his roomba has spread it all across his living room, stinking the place up and leaving him with a nasty mess.
Comments: 2