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Dwarf Nutshot - WTF?
Careful with that wolf whistle - it could land you in a whole lot of pain !!
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This chick is trying to look sexy for the camera but loses her balance and falls off the top of the boat - It's a classic hawt FAIL!
Comments: 8
It's rocket themed today guys, in this video it's all about things from the rockets point of view.
Comments: 1
I hate to blame the victim, here, but maybe next time he shouldn't park in a plow-away zone. Happy Xmas buddy!
Comments: 2
I never fail to get amused by females & FUBAR - This apparently happened after the Bay to Breakers festival in San Francisco. One booty-bouncing chick took that title a little too literally.
Comments: 1
If you’re unfamiliar with the local dialects of the British Isles, then let voice coach Andrew Jack school you in their diversities - where people sometimes even sound a bit drunk.” LOL
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It's surprising that nobody has made a horse mod for GTA until now. Even so, I was kinda expecting to be able to ride around on a horse, not BE a horse and ride around in stolen cars. This way is better though, bravo.
Comments: 2
We’ve all read in the news the grim stories of when a teenager takes their life because they’re being bullied online. In this harrowing film, the message of how to deal with them is conveyed: if you become a target of online bullies.
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Aerial vision filmed with a quadcopter off Esperance, along south Western Australia's beautiful coastline. Huge pods of bottlenose dolphins cruise the shoreline and surf the crystal clear turquoise waves.
Comments: 5
This dude does an impressive 53 foot jump across a street but was a little disappointed since he needed 54 feet to clear.
Comments: 1
I don't think this cop understands that a hit and run doesn't require you to start running and try to apprehend the criminal. On the plus side, it's nice to see London has started deploying its fleet of T-2000s.
Comments: 2