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Drunken Building
Maybe someone should have told the architect to go home and sober up? How the hell has this thing not fallen down already? Weird.
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Not got a girlfriend? Tired of using a watermelon or your hand? Then help is at, er, hand with this simple technique to while away those cripplingly lonely nights. Easy to make with ordinary household objects!
Comments: 0
Once he was the envy of the world, kids & adults loved him, if this is how the economy has hit Mickey, just imagine what Minnie must be doing for cash. It's his own damn fault, velveeta stock was a high-risk investment.
Comments: 0
The babes of Charmed looking very nice indeed, Holly Marie Combs, Alyssa Milano, and Rose McGowan - HUBBA HUBBA!
Comments: 0
Now how fast could that kid have possibly been going.. -LOL
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Wait, what did I say? Seriously though, if your girlfriend happened to look like this, a slip of the tongue like this is BOUND to happen sooner or later...
Comments: 3
They should make a combo movie, Die Home where a child policeman fights burglar terrorists, but make sure the cute kid gets killed in the first scene!
Comments: 4
In days of old in times of war, it was an important thing to keep morale as high as possible, absolutely any way you can. It usually involved a group song or prayer. How times have changed.
Comments: 40
This kid has tapped into to 99.9% of the internet's demographic with his description of the greatest XXX fantasy in the history of thought. It's got video games, it's got mohawk haircuts and it's got hot chicks. Go Brian.
Comments: 0
Whoa! That's pretty hazardous, however isn't it also bad to try to hold it in? And what about SBDs? Do they count? What if I pee and fart at the same time, would that counteract the danger?
Comments: 0
Prepare to get your geek on and then some as this takes your through the alphabet of comic book superheroes and sci-fi legends. It's epic and nerdy, it's epically nerdy. Don't pretend you don't love it.
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