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Drunk Welsh Cyclist Fail
In Wales, UK they like to get incredibly drunk, so drunk that they can't even ride their bike home after heading out to the local taverna for a few light ales after a hard day's graft—face meet floor.
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Well, she needs a bit more practice before she goes for the job.. - LOL
Comments: 2
If these dudes had this level of skill at anything remotely useful they’d be rich & famous. Bedding babes, partying with celebs, develop a raging crack/skag/meth habit, end up in jail, die aged 28.
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Teasing dogs is a lot easier than teasing cats. For one thing, dogs are a lot more gullable and for another, they don't hold a grudge. If he had tricked this cat there's no way it wouldn't have sought retribution...
Comments: 1
I knew that G.I. Joe were an elite military unit who combat a nefarious group of dangerous criminals known as Cobra - but I didn't know they could skate.
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I know its bad to laugh but some of these are some funny, they couldn't have gone any more wrong.
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If you're old enough to remember Tony Hart's Hart Beat then you may get a kick out of this. A rare insight into the man's mischevious streak that was left on the cutting room floor, until now. LOLz.
Comments: 28
This over enthusiastic amateur belly dancer tries her very hardest to be sultry and seductive, and it’s kind of working until…whoops! Hello Narnia! They just don’t make em’ like this anymore!
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If you get vertigo real bad then you probably shouldn't be watching this video. This dude has climbed to the very top of the Kotelnicheskaya Embankment Building, 176 m / 577 ft straight down. Scary.
Comments: 4
So lets see if I got this straight. The US showed up but were late, England is left to fight Germany, and the French surrendered. Is this the World Cup or are we doing World War II again?
Comments: 1
Cosplay isn’t just for the Americans and the Japanese, you know. The Brits can geek out just as well and this video shows the masses who descended on the London Comic Con in May, representing for the UK.
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