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Double Front Flip Beach Faceplant
It's always good to eat right and do plenty of exercise - He just ate 100% of the recommended daily allowance of beach, but it doesn't look like he's going to be able to keep it down anytime soon!
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Now this is what you call a good catch, this man has better reflexes than Spiderman and Spiderman has Spidey sense. Like a finely trained baseball ninja he just senses that ball flying through the air, then BAM! Ain't no thang.
Comments: 76
Ever wondered what would happen if you used a music detection app on the sound of a toilet being flushed? It kinda makes sense when you think about it, and I really, REALLY hope that this video is legit.
Comments: 2
Ever wondered what Metallica's Nothing Else Matters would sound like if it was shifted into a major scale? Me either, but the result is one seriously happy sounding song. If you don't believe me, watch this!
Comments: 0
Like many people, Mr Merchant feels that dating has got way, way too complicated these days. So he longs for the days when people died by the age of 30, back when everyone’s breath smelled of Black Death.
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If you missed it, a bloke called Felix Bum Gardener fell out of a hot air balloon. It was pretty high at the time and it was all totes on purpose. The whole deal was paid for by a canned diabetes company that wishes to remain anonymous.
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An insane truck driver with a tanker full of gas takes a left turn at full speed causing his semi to drift and nearly tip over. I reckon if he attempted this stunt another thousand times he'd never pull it off again.
Comments: 21
If you're going to pretend to paint someones car, someones very expensive car, then you have to expect a pretty hostile reaction to your little prank at their expense, but this might have been a bit much.
Comments: 1
If you've been using this site for years and think the only thing it's missing is awkward white guys with goofy legs wearing shorts, then i have some good news. You're completely unique. Also, this video is for you.
Comments: 1
How do you make a reporter go insane? Easy, put her in a concert hall while they are doing a soundcheck, works every time! She simply can't get her head around the fact that it's SO LOUD!
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With Lou Reed’s “Perfect Day” as the soundtrack, the new commercial for the new PlayStation plays out as live-action rather than pixelated characters. Awesome!
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