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Double Fail FAIL!
Falling through a roof is unlucky; narrowly avoiding a brick nutshot, however, is extremely lucky. When you are in this situation remember, one out of two aint bad :)
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There are a lot of emotional coming out videos on the you-tubes, but this has to be the best one that I have seen. His mom really doesn't see this one coming and for that matter, neither did I!
Comments: 154
We all love a remake and we all love living in the past so here is the Finding Nemo as if it had just come out on the SNES like it was 1993 all over again, complete with pixelated 16-bit graphics to melt your geek heart.
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Labrador uses a pretty cool technique to snag two Frisbee's lying at the bottom of a pool. Skills!
Comments: 2
The fourth of July just passed — so what better way to stir up some of the old passions than interviewing an Englishman who knows his American culture like he knows his way to the dentist.
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I figured he’d been overpowered, but is seems our hostage is in on the experiment. Who would have thought that a bowling ball to the FACE would be cause for such celebration ? Drinking our own homebrew moonshine, are we ?!
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You know the score, a cute chick who's had one too many to drink - Time to move in and ask her to dance, just don't make it anything too complicated - OUCH!
Comments: 1
There comes a time in every man's life when shaving with a razor just doesn't, well, cut it. Sometimes you just need to man up, grab the sander or giant cleaver and stop acting like such a pussy.
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Those pandas really know how to grind it up, so how come they be going extinct if they making the moves like this? You'd think all the ladyeez would be clawing each other's panda eyes out to get at these fine specimens.
Comments: 1
It might have been amusing the first time you saw it but overnight it went from a promising meme into failfaggorty of the highest order thanks to millions of mediocre mimics. Now slating it is the only way to derive some lolz.
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Peter Serafinowicz is Kevin Spacey. Or maybe Kevin Spacey is Peter Serafinowicz, it’s hard to tell. But whoever is whoever, this is an absolute tour de force of acting skillz that deserves an Oscar.
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