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Don't Do Drugs!!!
So maybe you think that drugs are not really gonna effect you and change your life, you know, you could be right. Lindsay Lohan knows a thing or two about this and even after all that abuse she still looks amazing. Right?
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Wait, what did I say? Seriously though, if your girlfriend happened to look like this, a slip of the tongue like this is BOUND to happen sooner or later...
Comments: 3
Apparently, he wasn't properly shown how to use the potty..
Comments: 1
Ladies, so you are meeting up with your boyfriend later on and you txt him a message to let him know what to expect that evening...BUT...You txt your dad by mistake. Never assume you can pull the wool over his eyes. FAIL!
Comments: 0
Forget planking, that was sooo last month, things move pretty fast on the internet and now the latest craze is 'owling'. You know this must be the new cool thing because celebs are doing it!
Comments: 1
If you really want to get into a bar this is a great idea but I guarantee you won't be hooking up with anyone in there, unless that old fella in the corner playing dominoes gets a twinkle in his eye...
Comments: 4
If I had a penny for every time some jackass took my photograph and managed to ruin the picture by focusing on what was going on behind me, I'd have a LOT of pennies.
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The Harry Potter series has spanned 8 films and ten years and has smashed box office records along with occupying everyone's time far too much. But just in case you wanted to get all geeky, here's the franchise in numbers.
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Something tells me this poor pussy's 9 lives are about to run out very quickly - Awwww :(
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Not got a girlfriend? Tired of using a watermelon or your hand? Then help is at, er, hand with this simple technique to while away those cripplingly lonely nights. Easy to make with ordinary household objects!
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Could this be a strange mystery of nature or just a bunch of flying rats crapping on the great math of our time? Either way i think someone just found the subject of Dan Brown's next book!
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