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Diablo Nerd Rage
It's hard to tell if this guy's rage is genuine or whether he is a CopperCab style self-mocking attention seeker. Either way he has an extremely valid point and makes it succinctly and with good grace.
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It might be a bit of an unbalanced match-up but that doesn't make it any less enjoyable to watch. I get the feeling that the Doberman might be pulling his punches a bit but that's probably for the best.
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That's actually just how inversion tables work. They were created to make you look stupid no matter how you use them.
Comments: 1
Sometimes a man's gotta do what an idiots gotta do. These five awesome videos feature five Daredevils who love to test fate and risk it all, more or less.
Comments: 59
Spring Break + Technology = Video probably most viewed by men..
Comments: 2
Those girls are looking at him, like "What's this demi-douche up to?" But he's owning it like a goddamn boss, full of win, he could out warlock Charlie Sheen. The boy just doesn't give a flying hoot. Go kid!
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If you want to hire someone you can run over, throw off a building and generally beat the living crap out of, you could do worse than calling this guy. Here's a preview of what you can do to him if you hire him.
Comments: 1
Move your MILF ass off the mattress, it's GILF time! You've heard of cougar hunting, here comes dragon slaying!
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If you love getting pulled over by the police then you should probably get one of these. With the simple addition of reefer smoke billowing out of the windows you can be assured that any cop in a 5 mile radius will home in on you and give you untold shit.
Comments: 12
Once you commit to venturing into a creepy wood-paneled basement like this one, a guy doing a somersault onto his friend's chest full of mouse traps is probably the most normal thing you'll see.
Comments: 3
This guy definitely had his coffee ration this morning - If you think you're impressed by the speed of this boat you should have seen the dude holding the rope waiting to ski behind it.
Comments: 1