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Custom Bumper Stickers Say It All!
When you just can't find the right bumper sticker to convey your thoughts, make your own! From a distance, I would think this would be a republican though.
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The ability to fall asleep at any time sounds cool, but if you're not in control of it, it goes from cool to crappy pretty damn fast. Especially when you're on a swing.
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Obviously, for some(?) people this must happen every day, but for the normal cat community an image like this is definitely residing in the 'WTF' zone!?! I wonder what he wants as a reward?
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Is this an alien? Could it be a circus freak? No folks, this is the latest in German fashion! WTF?
Comments: 1
As told by their hair. It's almost as if they have not been to a barber during their days together!
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Arachnophobia is a debilitating affliction. You don't even need to be a sufferer to feel it's sting. If your flatmate has it, you could come home to this.
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I suppose there's at least one advantage to spending your entire life skulking around in the sewers, associating with huge mutated rodents...
Comments: 2
If you were bored at home & posted an update to your FB account that if you got 300 likes you'd go into school the next day dressed in a dress (boys only) with full make-up, would have the balls to actually do it?
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All the destinations you could ever want to go to and exactly how to get there, job done. Now all i have to do is go pack!
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We all have friends of the opposite sex, right? You know the kind, the one you pour your soul out to when you are drunk and keep an eye on when she is drunk...and the 'other' things that friends with benefits share.
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If you're not on Facebook then what'll happen to you is like what happens to Michael J. Fox in Back to the Future in that photo of him and his brother and sister, you'll eventually just fade away out of existence.
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