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Classic SWAT Prank On Kids
Children, you can't kill them and you can't get rid of them until they go off to college. A lot of parents still believe in swatting their kids to keep them in line. If they took it this far, they'd never have problems again.
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Jumping from a good height onto a glass escalator hand railing, you say? What could possibly go wrong?
Comments: 1
Here's some funny Funny king penguins getting into a slap fight at South Georgia, an Island in the South Atlantic Ocean—and it just goes to show that's it's not just humans who get into ridiculous scuffles.
Comments: 132
This crazy guy must never have played Street Fighter 2. If you want to get all the bonus points for destroying the car, you have to keep hitting the same one.
Comments: 5
Those tiresome toll booths can really be a drag. What with having to slow down and that. But you know what, there are other ways to get through, by using the toll booth as a launching ramp maybe?
Comments: 0
NEVER be fooled by an invitation like this. These are ninjas, so the best thing you could do is get on the hotline to Chuck Norris or fall into the foetal position and cry.
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After the unbridled success of the Giant Kit-Kat Chunky, Youtube user Roboticpink is back with another colossal confectionery. This time they’re creating a chocolate bar full of toffee and puffed rice.
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Terrell Owens was matched up with Joanna Krupa who gets pissed off during The Superstars and not only swears a dozen times in under a minute she blames the loss on T.O.
Comments: 1
It's a simple prank but one that works hilariously well here - All it takes is a bit of patience - But the best thing about it is this guys face when he gets scared, absolute gold.
Comments: 4
WARNING: This is not for the faint at heart, there are bits of Lego bodies strewn everywhere amongst the carnage - An epic battle of Lego men! This is one badass dude I wouldn't want to mess with!
Comments: 19
This dude loses control of his vehicle at 70mph and besides one minor bump he somehow manages to avoid all other cars on the road.
Comments: 5