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Chris P Bacon
This shot of sickening cuteness has me a little conflicted. I'm not sure if i want a bacon sandwich or a pet pig. Maybe I'll get both and when the pig gets a bit too big for his K'nex prosthetic I'll have me another sammich!
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So just what has this sweet looking old lady got hidden under her bed? Ah. Well, it looks like they’ve found something that can certainly bring her some joy, whether she’ll want to part with it is another matter.
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This dude loses his grip on a lat machine bar and it slams up into his chin breaking three of his teeth.
Comments: 3
Watch what happens when a dune buggy flips over near a bunch of innocent bystanders, knocking out the driver while his foot's still on the gas.
Comments: 0
We all remember that interview where the crazy warlock ranted about his tiger blood and 7G rocks? Well, here’s the unedited version of it and Charlie is *ding* off the *ding* chain *ding*.
Comments: 0
If you are ever gonna throw a batchelor party then this is the kinda girl you need to entertain you - WTF?
Comments: 22
The cops pull out the tazer gun on this big guy and he hits the sidewalk so hard it splits his head open.
Comments: 1
Birthday cards are definitely not top of this kitten's list. As soon as she sees that card she loses it and goes into attack mode. Well it's either that or the horrendous sounds coming from that card are driving her insane?
Comments: 1
OMG, that bikini is obscene, it's scandalous! Somebody call someone and report as a moral outrage against common decency! Nah, I'm only kidding, that's the sort of bikini that should COME OFF!!!!
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Proof that "It aint over till it's over" is true - This chick fist pumps on the last jump of this race while she is in the lead, next thing she knows she's on her ass and has lost it all. Brilliant!
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These guys project the outside world onto the inside, blocking out all the light except for the small amount let through through the pinholes, the city outside merges with the interior of the apartment.
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