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Chick Leap Frog Fail
This chick comes down hard on her face after falling for one of the oldest pranks in the book. It's weird, but the cuter they are the harder i laugh!
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People are awesome. Exetreme sports people are even more so. here's a run-down of all the noteworthy acts of awesome from 2012, fromnotable video releases to the world's first 1080 air from a 12 year old.
Comments: 6
Sometimes the most simple fails are the best - This guy goes old skool in the ever popular pool jump - Luckily, you don't need teeth to tread water.
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This dude rides behind his buddies quad right into the side of a tree.
Comments: 200
This guy must be a pro at pissing people off.. because his techniques reallly work. LOL
Comments: 2
So you're off on a night out, you catch the bus into town, catch up with your mates, catch...an STI!?
Comments: 4
Thanks to the cat's introduction of a force field, this is now the most one-sided fight since Ellin vs Tiger Woods (allegedly).
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BirGirPall has compiled a collection of his most amusing kills, trolls and general rage inducing antics in Battlefield 3 to commemorate the 2 year anniversary of his first BF3 vid. All hail the BF3 troll master.
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Apparently this gathering of overpriced luxury automobiles has broken a world record. I'm not sure exactly which one. Maybe the record the the largest number of teeny tiny penises ever gathered in one place?
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This is a neat trick, providing you don’t fuck it up - And you can try it with your boss as well. Tell him you’re in the “other” office, then sit back and play video-games all day.
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The rope isn't real.. The Prank is. - LOL
Comments: 6